Gulshan Me Patjhad Ka Mausam Hai
Muskara Kar Tu Kaliyon Ko Bahar De De

Last of February and Patjhad ka Mausam, Nowadays very difficult to maintain our backyards, scarcity of domestic hands and costlier maintenance ot trees..what to do..Save ecology and destroy economics! Dust is everywhere, And summer is chirping in a low tone…Children have no time for extra curriculum, walking blankly, tossing books in the air, murmuring and memorizing aspects, facts, laws, theorems,poems, equations, grammars and problems.

Deserted playgrounds, inhabited terraces, silent media, abandoned street corners, crowded mosques, late night glittering study tables, flasks full of tea, scattered books and notes and puffy eyes…. practice, revisions, study, practical, preparation, homework….these were the routine when we were in schools and collages......

Photography the pause button of the life!